Sunday 27 January 2008

Seduction is EVERYWHERE !!!

"You shall not worship an idol"

- God's ten commandments(Mount Sinai)

While Moses was gone on the mountain, Aaron gathered the gold of the people and made an idol shaped as a calf. When Moses saw what they had done, he crushed the golden calf into powder and poured it into the water. Moses made the people drink the water afterwards .

"Many will come to seduce you"

M.M. 2008-12-07

"If money be not thy servant, it will be thy Master"


"Only Masters and painters can turn white to black"


"-We've arrived, and to prove it we're here-"

Anonymous Master

Masters can seem excentric and uncomprensible to many people, but everything is explained by a single proverb:

"We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance"

One drunk friend to other

Thursday 24 January 2008

NARUTO COMEDY!!! Like it or Love it!

Only one of many halarious vids of Naruto comedy.

For more check the list on the right >>>>>

The Riddler

"WE came to judge You"


We add more Master's prophecies and legends everyday , so you could gain knowledge on this topic. BE patient.

"Learn all Your life from the mistakes of others , so that when he comes You are ready"


Master proverbs, aforisms and wisdom...

"Our Enemy shall fall-As We uprise"

Book of Faith-pgrf 1-46

"When the living will envy the dead , The One will come"


"Follow your Master blindly- for He is your sight"


"God, forgive them, that's the less you can do for them"


Well, we though it's time to add some fresh

material here.

Please enjoy our lessons.



"Challenge us and you will see..."

Book Of Faith ,34-7X-12

" You shall show no mercy"


"You shall have no regret"


"...Because we were born into this world to die, trained to kill and lie, raised to Sin just to survive ,pray to be still alive.....''

Letters to my Master.2008

The Good Shepperd

"One day , a man approached a Master and asked him:

-Master, tell me, what is truth?

The Master answered:

-Keep your truth to yourself. Come with me, and together we will find The Truth-"

"Memories" , chapter 10-537

As you can see , the Master culture is vast , nobody can actually gather information about us if we don't want them to, but sometimes we let the mortal ones believe they know something about us.

Yours Faithfully


Just some thoughts... come the best ideas come to you just before you go to sleep or just as you wake up?...... that because there is part of your dreams in it this way too......

Well, it’s after midnight- I’m sitting at my old trusty PC listening to some “Low Road” thinking it’s about time to write something worth your time to read. I will overlook the fact that I’m barely keeping my eyes open, though my post today will be rather short, and go on to one of the greatest romantics - Percy Bysshe Shelley… It has not been too long since I first got to know about the existence of this man, nor do I know a lot about his life now, but he had an idea that just happened to attract my attention. Shelley believed that true love lies within atheism. Yes- atheism, he said it was foolish to believe in something, the existence of which is impossible to prove…

No- this post is not about religion, but rather about what drives us as individuals, what drives us as a human race. Too rarely do we stop thinking “how?” and ask ourselves “why?” or “what for?” . But then again, if we were to think of the why’s, what-if’s and the might-be’s neither of us would ever move forward or progress in any mean. But what is progress then? Progress, a thing almost divined by some, is nothing more than either adaptation of the weak or the pursuit of one’s lust and desires by those who see their cause as the most important one no matter what…

Nevertheless, as well as the philosophical approach to evolvement there is a scientific one, quite many of them to be frank. The one I will be talking about collides in some way with the ideas behind the movie “Pi”: ideas such as that everything has a system, a chaotic one… -“Theory put into practice does not always come out perfect. Chaos, on the other hand, has order to itself…” – a quote from another great movie I would recommend seeing- movie which goes by the name of “Chaos”. Thus, you may have probably already guessed that the approach I was talking about is “Chaos theory”. While some take the position of thinking history moves in a spiral, I believe it to move in a “Lorenz attractor”… But that is already for another post to be discussed in…

Good luck and good night,

Your humble host- Gabriel Kerna

Under the veil of Ignorace

Well, as you can see, Masters are humans . That means they have to follow a strict schedule.

They wont be Masters if they wouldn't have rules. Here come the First five of them:

  1. Everyone wants to be a Master, but only a few really are.

  2. A Master knows everything- as well as that He knows nothing.

  3. The First One made himself a Master, the others became because He wished it to be so.

  4. Nobody can argue with a Master.

  5. If you think you are a Master look at Rule 1.

Wednesday 23 January 2008

"Juno" the movie

Well... You probably thought trailers and reviews were great...
But, you should know- Masters...are....on a completely... DIFFERENT.....LEVEL!!!!!!!

You've seen the trailer...and now...
We bring to you - our most precious customers


Tuesday 22 January 2008

Saturday 19 January 2008

Weird Al Yankovic - Make My Boobies One More Size

A really funny video, hope you like it...

GTO - music clip


GTO - tora-uma scene


"Prince Of Persia Chapters" - The Begining

GodSmack - Straight Out Of Line

This is only the first of many to come "Prince Of Persia Chapters"
Be ready...

Masters Chillin' Out

Here we are- just hangin' out on a totally narly trip

Devil May Cry !!!

Many have head this title even if the hadn't played the game or didn't read the manga comics. But to those still curious, I can say - it is a story worth your attention- both the game and the manga have great scenario and artwork and will not disappoint you no matter what you are in the mood for- is it romance or dead on hack and slash action you are looking for, DMC (Devil May Cry) has them both thanks to it' deep story. ( official site /// wiki link )

But recently the highly anticipated TV series have started... and putting it gently- they didn't quite live up to the expectations... Read this:

Devil May Cry is a strange anime. It does one thing rather nice but utterly fails in another. I have no idea why or how that happened.

Story? Well, you might as well forget it, since you won't get any for about 9 episodes in a row. Yes, it's almost a slice-of-life series about Dante being cool. That's right, it has pretty much less of a story than the series of video games the setting is actually based on! Furthermore, at several points, you get an impression that some ge...neral plot will emerge (it eventually does, but already after you lose all hope for it), but in the very next moment you have your expectations shattered without any back thought. You could probably even watch episodes 2—9 out of order and not notice any substantial difference. For that exact reason, you may not worry about spoilers when discussing this anime, it's impossible to spoil either what is already being obvious from the start, or something that doesn't exist. "4" is a generous mark here, much thanks to the universe created by the game series.

Oh yeah, Dante. As I said before, everything in this show is about Dante and the process of him being cool. He's so cool he transcends the meaning of the word "cool", like the epitome of coolness never seen since the cool came to cool town. He acts cool, he dresses cool, he eats only cool food (pizza, strawberry sundae, beer, nothing else), he has cool overpowered weapons, and even his name is cool. Unsurprisingly, every time he's up for the job, he always manages to do it, usually single-handedly — be it a bike race, gambling, or killing a several-stories-tall demon in a matter of seconds without even appearing to have taken effort in the process. Yet he always fails to complete his primary objective, usually because of some righteous reason. How impossibly cool! And even during that, he appears to be bored by stuff happening around him. Sounds like an excellent mascot for boys and girls raised on MTV and related lifestyle values, hmm? ;)Even Alucard, who is about the closest character to Dante in both the setting and appearance, has deeper reasons for stuff he is doing (not to mention the existance of character development, which was simply thrown out of the window in DMC). Though I'm not sure, but I think the whole DMC TV series is done as a parody on the Hellsing TV series aired a few years ago. Even the episode names suggest some not-really-hidden self-irony (Showtime!, Stylish!, get the idea?).

The other characters are mainly there to support Dante by contrasting with him or showing how terribly they fail in comparison.

There is Morrison, who is old-fashioned, intelligent and an exemplary gentleman, almost fully opposite to Dante.
There is Patty, who is a cute loli girl whose only sensible role in the series is to provide brief sequences of comic relief, despite the screenplay writer struggling to show her significance. The writer inevitably fails — so hard that I want to pity them.

There is Lady, who is almost as cool as Dante, but still not so; which, however, doesn't prevent her from having more success at making money. But hey, if Dante doesn't do it, it must not be very cool, right?
Also, there is Trish, who is between Lady and Dante on the scale on coolness but is seen much rarely than either.
Lastly, there is that typical small fry demon who looks like a character significant for the plot, although you wouldn't want him to be. Well, he still is. You have to be a man and brace yourself. Or, if you're a woman, become a man and brace yourself too.

I can't say much about picture and sound. They both seem to be fitting and high quality in general, but as for animation, some scenes could have definitely be animated better (better as in actually animated — you'll see what I mean after you watch a few episodes), and the music lacks variety somewhat (almost all of it is mere variations on the three dominant themes). Oh, and if you decide to watch it, get the HD version if possible — it's worth it, if anything.

All in all, DMC is that kind of stuff you would want to watch when you have nothing else to, and you don't want to concern yourself with anything deep at the moment, either. And don't expect anything beyond that, otherwise you'll be disappointed in no time at all. Just get your beverage of choice, a pack of suitable snacks, and turn on your TV/software player. Alternatively, go play Quake 3 deathmatch, which has about the same amount of plot with ten times the amount of action and thrill.

***This post was completed thanks to your good friend Gintaras whose blogg you can see --->here<---- ***


I know that We've been posting pretty much only about movies, but this one really deserves recognition. It's a comedy about growing up... and the bumps along the way.

Faced with an unplanned pregnancy, an offbeat young woman makes an unusual decision regarding her unborn child.

The movie's screenwriter Diablo Cody happens to have a blog here too. If your interested- here's the link.

Also- the link to the official site.

GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka

Maby the GOODEST Anime EVER?!

Friday 18 January 2008

Conversations with other Women

Another great movie that seems to try and find the essence of happiness in it's pursuit.

Pi (the movie) by Darren Aronofsky

This is one of the most impressing movies I have ever seen !
Generally, the plot is about a paranoid mathematician searching for a key number that will unlock the universal patterns found in nature. You can read about it more in IMDB ,which is also a great place to find stuff about movies you like and those that are still to come.

Since ancient times people were amazed by the magnificence and grace of the Pi. We can only wonder what mysteries lie within...

Thursday 17 January 2008

WELCOME to The Master Plan

If we dont have it - you dont want it!

That is just a small part of being a true "Master".

Nobody could be born or become a Master, you have to DESERVE to BE One.